
To maximise the return of a client’s investment, I adhere to the following five key principles of copywriting.

The Objective

The primary aim of any effective copywriting is to inspire action through words. To tell a compelling story through useful, relevant, entertaining, and actionable content which draws your target audience in by offering inherent value.

Human Behaviour

Humans are emotional creatures, led more by an emotional impact than a rational one.

While we’d like to believe it’s the logical side of our brain that drives our decision making, research shows it’s the complete opposite. Emotion drives 80% of our decision making, while logic accounts for only 20%.

When copywriting, I aim to draw on both aspects to create a genuine emotional response while providing a logical reason to act.


Research shows that content written with a passionate voice is the most compelling for a reader. It draws them in, increasing the probability of action. To speak passionately about a product, subject, or service, you need to believe in it.

Before embarking on a copywriting or content writing project, I will get to know your product, subject, or service, and use that knowledge to infuse content headlines, and words, with energy and enthusiasm that’s contagious, drawing the target audience to a call for action.


Readers want reliable, well-researched, and informative articles that feed their desire for knowledge and leaves them wanting to know more.

I will always research a subject before embarking on a project to ensure I can do it, and my client, justice.

Understanding Your Audience

To increase readership, sales conversions, or whatever the goal is, you need to touch your audience’s deepest desires, fears, wants, and needs – get in their head.

In today’s environment, understanding your audience means knowing what information they want, how they want it displayed and making it easily and quickly available.

For a quotation on copywriting projects, get in touch.